Created by musicians for musicians

Direct-to-fan subscription platform for music artists

Insidr is the direct-to-fan subscription platform for musicians that pays 4,000% more than streaming and allows your superfans to go deeper

Get started for free

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How does Insidr work
for music artists?
Insidr Insidr Insidr Insidr

Give yourself a 4,000%
pay rise with Insidr

{{ fans }} fans streaming your song,
once a day for {{ duration }} {{ time }}s, you'll get:

Insidr music logo
£{{ artistTakeHome.toFixed(2) }}


Other streaming

£{{ artistTakeHomeStream.toFixed(2) }}
Get started for free

Full transparency,


Total income£{{ totalIncome.toFixed(2) }}
Stripe fees
(2.9% + 20p)
£{{ stripeFees.toFixed(2) }}
Our platform
£{{ insiderFees.toFixed(2) }}
Artist take home£{{ artistTakeHome.toFixed(2) }}

Using other
streaming platforms

Fans{{ fans }}
Days(s){{ days.toFixed(0) }}
Per stream£{{ stream.toFixed(4) }}
Total income£{{ totalIncomeStream.toFixed(2) }}
Spotify fees
£{{ spotifyFees.toFixed(2) }}
CDBaby fees
£{{ distributionFees.toFixed(2) }}
Artist take home£{{ artistTakeHomeStream.toFixed(2) }}

Frequently Asked Questions

Join +1,000 music artists
putting their unreleased music to work

Here's what our artists have to say:

Thanks so much for doing this for us!DJ MonZ
Thanks so much for creating this wonderful app, Dan.Charlie
Looks good man. Love the concept.Ryhs
WOW, hi Dan, fantastic app man!VOGNI
Such a cool idea for a platform and I'm excited to see how it develops!Isobelle
This is super cool and needed. Downloaded.Joshua
I hope Insidr will take over the music industry to new exciting pathsDavide